2016년 12월 9일 금요일

Dec 5, 2016 Honolulu adventure and the lost phone

I flew to Honolulu to get my finger prints taken for the citizenship application for the day. Good news was that they let me give them finger prints even though it was at a wrong office in a wrong day rather than the scheduled appointment! Bad news is I lost my one-week-old phone somewhere in the Waterfront Plaza. :'( On top of that I was short on money by 15 cents to catch the bus back to the airport! I begged a lady on a street and she granted me a quarter.. Safely back home in Hilo and God bless this kind lady.
+ someone turned in my phone at the security office. Thanks god!
It was a poorly planned last minute trip which made me sweat a lot but I'm glad it's over (until I get my phone back).

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