2017년 1월 16일 월요일

Jan 12, 2017 Adios Hilo!

Our two month long visit to Hilo came to an end. We all agreed that kids have grown a lot over this period inside and out! We loved the time with Rosemary and James and we're glad we could stay for such a long time. Kids got to spend quality time with their grandma, Tutu, and uncle Kimo a lot which was priceless. They got big and also have gotten more independent and confident. 

That grin on Yeowool's face when he was being pulled by the Hawaiian sail boat. The joy of listening to them singing in Korean for the first time and seeing them eating mochi. (They thought natto was stinky but one day they may appreciate it. Lol) Feeding ducks at the river just like how their father and uncle did when they were little. Chasing colorful gecko lizards. That scary tigers trying to hunt Yeowool at the zoo. When Yeowool remembered the name of our favorite restaurant and answered Saju's where are we going question. (Cafe Pesto!) Saju twirling at the Nut Cracker ballet with such bright eyes. Yeowool's new love of apple bananas and guava juice. Lots of coloring and playdough time..

We made precious memories which will be remembered and cherished for many years to come. 

We all were missing Chris but he was clearly there to bond all of us together. We are moving on to our next chapter but I surely see there is a hope. Adios Hilo till we meet again.

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