2017년 7월 3일 월요일

Jun 26, 2017 Goodbye Korea + Hello Daddy

Our three week long trip to Korea has come to an end. I know we couldn't afford it and it was actually the worst time to travel financially - Paul and I had one of the biggest arguments over this trip - but I needed it somehow more than water or food are needed. Kids finally got to spend meaningful time with their Korean side family. Especially my parents, sisters, and friends were so supportive and so embracing even when I found it difficult to show my affection out of long been fatigue and isolation. I learned a hard way that living a long distance from either side of our family means making extra effort and thought to stay connected with them, spending extra energy to keep our kids connected with their root. I grew up in a small town where most of the people in town are related so it took a long time to realize the consequences of living so far away. It's a tremendous luck that my parents still live in the house that I was born and grew up. We won't be able to do the same for our kids but we will do our best to be there for our kids like a mountain stays there always. The mountain is deep and high so the birds shall fly back.

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