2018년 1월 28일 일요일

Jan 27, 2018 Happy mom and happy kids

Saju gave me her drawing of three girls smiling in thier colorful dresses. I asked who they are, she said it's mommy on the right, a sister on the left and Saju in the middle.

The other day when I was driving after picking kids up from the school Saju in the backseat asked me, why you don't have sisters or brothers? Why you don't have a brother like daddy? Her question struck me as if my deepest feeling was understood by a foreigner who doesn't speak my language. I just told her, yes, I have sisters. They live in Korea so we can't see each other very often. I love them and I miss them. Thank you for asking that question, honey.

But that's not the end of the story. Yes, that sister in Saju's picture might be one of my biological sisters in Korea but it could be anyone who's there for me at that moment or the one that I'm there for them. With the occasional swale of homesickness I try to remind myself this. Home is where you make it.

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