2018년 3월 31일 토요일

Mar 25, 2018 Magnolia off 281

I, by myself, take kids around all the time and thought I got used to it but Sunday sometimes feels harder as a single "available" care taker. I feel sorry that we are missing presence of their father, grandparents or other family in the scenes. Seeing our kids thriving makes me happy though no matter what. We don't get to spend much time together but I'm grateful that we have family who support and love us in distance. 💞

Mar 24, 2018 Yeowool's selfie

Makes me smile when I discover pictures like this on my phone ❤

Mar 24, 2018 Nani Falcon

Still full of energy after the Fiesta ballet recital + Don Q rehearsal 😫

Mar 24, 2018 Historic sunset station

Saw the longest freight trail passing by. What a day!

Mar 24, 2018 Fiesta kick off dance recital

It was off a great start when Ms. Lynda took Yeowool up on the stage and introduced him to everyone how cute he looks in his Fiesta hat. But he got so excited and felt silly that he basically only played with his hat and bothered his sister for the whole three minute show. It seemed to provide a great entertainment for the crowd but Saju actually got upset that he ruined the show. What a mixed feeling that a parent can have on thier kids! Well, I have to say that we are working on the issue.

Otherwise great job, kids! 💕

Mar 23, 2018 Hard working players

Yeowool fell asleep on his dinner table at 6 pm and it was the end of his day. 😪

Mar 22, 2018 Pool time

Mar 21, 2018 My sunshines

The final practice before the show on Saturday!